Kelly_London_COPA_June_2015_015On June 10th and 11th,  I spoke at the COPA show, which was a private practice show.   The show was fascinating as it was considered to have the best treatment techniques in the world being presented!  It was an exciting show to be a part of.

We had a booth set up where MPS Therapy and the Dolphin Neurostim were being demonstrated and shared.  It was exciting, enlightening, and engaging for the therapists who stopped by to learn.  I spoke in a break out session about the negative affect that scars can have on the body.  My session was jammed pack and our booth received an overwhelming amount of interest!

A quick scar story to report:  A great gal working the show in another booth came by and we were discussing scars and pain management.  She reported that she had a small circular scar on her spine from a procedure when she was a small child.  She said she had been in pain as long as she could remember, and actually had been seen by several doctors and had many therapies to try to alleviate this chronic pain.  I performed a quick scar release there at the booth taking no more than 10-15 minutes.  As she was lying on the massage table, she reported that she could now turn her head side to side while lying on the table (which she could not do when she first laid down) and her hands were both NO longer numb!  After the treatment was over, she stood up and begin to shake and move around and was truly speechless that her pain in her back had been alleviated that quickly!  And simply!  I wish I could have captured the gleam in her eyes, the hope, and light heartedness she felt!  That was just one of the countless stories that took place.

So… it looks like the future may hold some MPS Therapy continuing educational courses in London in the near future!

Kelly_London_COPA_June_2015_002 It was a busy week traveling, getting to the show, setting up and taking down, and I had only a short time to visit the city.  However, it was quite intriguing to see the history of the city.  Of course, a double decker bus ride to see the famous landmarks was on the top of the list to do!  I will say though, that the sky was continually gray and overcast.  When I look back at my pictures they are a little gloomy compared to the beauty of the architecture.  The city was very busy and bustling with people everywhere I turned.  The roads were much smaller than in America and so were the cars!  Actually, in the downtown area of London there were mostly taxis.  I loved the transportation system.  The subway, or the tube, connected everywhere and it was easy to get around.  I found myself moved to tears inside the National Art Gallery.  The museum itself was breathtaking and some of the pictures you could feel the life painted into them.  I popped into a couple of second hand bookstores, looking for an old copy of Peter Pan for my daughter, and found myself holding books from the 1700’s!  Surprisingly, what made the trip pleasant all around was the friendliness of the British people.  It seemed, whether in line, or sitting, or even shopping the British people were eager to help and very conversationally polite!

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As London got a little bit of MPS Scar Release Therapy, this southern girl got a little bit of London!

The two could make a perfect pair!
